Sunday, June 30, 2013

One day baby we'll be old.

WAH sekarang gue jadi rajin nge-post lho! *ketauan keseringan bosen*
This time im gonna share a video, well it's a music video though. I want you guys to take a look and take a listen to this video and the song. Because i think this song is soooo simple yet soo perfect because i love how Asaf Avidan sang it in perfectly amazing way. So this is it:

One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories
That we could have told

if you didnt like the video, alright just listen to the song okay. 
Well since this song is like indie so just a few people might like it, i understand. I'd love to hear your opinion of this video/song. Just comment on this post! or wherever yang penting gw bisa liat ur comment. well, I'm curious actually ;P

BTW..... gue lagi ngidam ini banget nih PARAAAHHH :(
ah gila kan gila. laper banget langsung tiap ngebayangin ini uuu sate padang ku :9

I'm sorry readers if my blog is full of random stuffs
sorry if i wasted your time because of visiting my site
i just share things here ahahaha
i dont know, i try hard to make this blog stay clean and easy to read
sooo, is it working? no? lol
Just enjoy your reading, and i just went for some blogwalking. It's fun anyway.

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